InnovationLab at bwcon Hightech Summit 2020

On October 1st, 2020 the largest technology congress in Baden-Württemberg, called the „Hightech Summit Baden-Württemberg", will take place instated by bwcon e.V. The event will be held in a hybrid format, meaning offline at 9 different locations and online via livestream.

The Summit

A major event with over 1000 guests despite the corona pandemic? A hybrid event from numerous locations and the use of both professional matching and streaming tools make it possible!

The Hightech Summit Baden-Württemberg is advertised by the business initiative Baden-Württemberg: Connected e.V. in collaboration with the state campaign 'Startup-BW', whose founding is provided by the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Housing of Baden-Württemberg.

Keynote speakers will present best-practice examples from the field of new technologies, entrepreneurship and technology transfer from Baden-Württemberg as well as talk about flagship projects. Participants have the opportunity to get in touch with the state's high-tech giants, start-ups and ultimately, the innovative ideas of tomorrow.

Use of Data in Health Industries - Location Heidelberg

The health industry is one of the most important and largest industries in the country. Using data can be of fundamental help in developing targeted solutions for patients. At the Hightech Summit in Heidelberg, you get the opportunity to get to know various application scenarios and gain an impression of the data’s potential in the healthcare sector – generally and specifically how the digital technologies can support improving both diagnosis and therapy prospects. Additionally, another main topic of the summit will be, how innovation partnerships are structured in this particular sector, presented by two speakers talking from first-hand experience.

InnovationLab will demonstrate exclusively with André Bausch, Managing Director of Dr. Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG, how the new technologies can support digitization and optimisation of processes and applications, using the succesful example of the OccluSense®- System, the first digital solution for occlusion control. Visit us on-site at the Business Development Center in Heidelberg or use the livestream to learn more about these topics and to not miss out on other great speakers such as the mayor of Heidelberg, Prof Dr. Eckart Würzner.

Where do I sign up?

In consideration of COVID-19 guidlines, the number of guests on site will be limited. Get your tickets now to save yourself a seat at the location in Heidelberg.

Sign-up for the live event

You prefer joining the event online? Watch the livestream online or use the matching tools to connect and exchange ideas.

Sign-up for the livestream

More information on the other speakers, topics and different locations of the summit can be found on the event website.

Visit the website of the event