Cross-Cultural Preparation at InnovationLab

Last week SinaLingua held a cross-cultural training about the South Korean culture at InnovationLab.

Cross Cultural Training

The training gave a general view about the foreign culture and helped reading between the lines of various expressions.

To get along with a foreign culture and work successfully, SinaLingua provided the participants with the basics of cross-cultural preparation – for assignments or for short business trips, for virtual cooperation with this certain target culture. In this context, light was shed both on German backgrounds as well as on the basic structures of society in South Korea and its influence on communication and ways of work in everyday business.

This training was designed as a reality-oriented mix of methods. Short theoretical inputs, selected case examples, custom built simulations, videos, exercises and discussions guarantee a high degree of know-how transfer.

We thank SinaLingua for their great input and the instructive time we spent together.