We are pleased to present our new sensor architecture for force sensing resistors,



Our goal was to develop a novel and accurate sensor with maximum sensitivity and minimum drift. The Prime Mode sensor is featured by very low hysteresis and drift comparable to conventional sensing resistors. In particular, the low hysteresis of the Prime Mode can be a very important detail if final application requires precise feedback. In addition, our engineers have succeeded in minimizing repeatability errors to ensure consistent and reliable measurements.

Performance compared to state-of-the-art FSRs

3 x lower time drift

10 x higher repeatability

100 x lower hysteresis


The key feature which we can now offer is on-board calibration function. With the integration of the PassiveMatrixUniversal electronics, SensorMatrixLAB software enables up to 10.000 individual pixel calibration for extensive sensor matrices and direct mapping from original measurements to physical values on the board. Due to a defined resistance value at 0 force, the Prime Mode sensor enables potential pixel damage detection and is therefore proper for basic calibration and equalization.


The additive manufacturing of sensors on roll-to-roll machines shows a significantly lower variance between the individual components due to reduced printing process. This means we offer a consistent and homogenous sensor with very low pixel-to-pixel variation. Furthermore, we can produce around 10 times as many components compared to sheet-to-sheet manufacturing. The highest quality of the whole manufacturing process is one of our key commitments. With our state-of-the-art production facilities in Heidelberg we offer unique setup of flexibility and quality with highest productivity of a roll-to-roll machine.

Are you interested in our new sensor PrimeMode, contact us to learn more.